16 July 2020 / Research Preparation for Publication in Specialized Magazines
Dr. Paul Santi offered a presentation on procedures and good practices in scientific research, in order to publish articles in indexed journals. The talk was well received by a large audience of UNSA faculty and students.
29 May 2020 / Reuse of Mining Tailings to Produce Construction Materials through Geopolymerization
Dr. Ahamadreza (Reza) Hedayat gave a talk on the reuse of mining tailings to produce construction materials. Our Center has taken samples of tailings from small mining operations to characterize them and, through a physical and chemical process, transform them into high added value cement.
23 April 2020 / Coexistence and Conflict in a Rapid Growth Zone of Artisanal Mining
Doctors Aaron Malone (School of Mines) and Eliseo Zeballos Zeballos (UNSA) gave a talk about the coexistence and conflict between artisanal mining, fishing and agriculture in a town in the Río Ocoña Valley, Peru. They were able to conclude why artisanal mining and the proposed hydroelectric dam are eliciting different responses from citizens.
16 April 2020 / Geomechanical Evaluation of the Stability of a Small-Scale Underground Mine in the Arequipa Region
Engineer Carlos Contreras gave a talk on the evaluation of the stability of the underground workings in a gold mine in the north of the Arequipa region in Peru. Contreras discussed aspects related to the characterization of rock massifs and the use of numerical methods applied in the evaluation of the stability of mining works.
9 April 2020 / Redefining the IX Nazca-Ocoña Zone Metallogenetic Strip
Dr. Jorge Crespo gave a talk on the Study of the Economic Geology of the area between Nazca-Ocoña. Dr. Crespo is passionate about researching the economic geology of hydrothermal mineral deposits, studying the geochemistry and mineralogy of these deposits.
7 April 2020 / Membrane Technology: An Essential Piece to Achieve Sustainable Mining
Dr. Johan Vanneste gave a presentation on: 1) The evaluation of reverse osmosis to remove boron from surface waters affected by mining. 2) The destruction and recovery of cyanide and ammonia with hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet in combination with membrane distillation in gold cyanidation plants.
2 April 2020 / Space Resources
Dr. Angel Abbud-Madrid gave a presentation on the resources found outside our planet (on the moon, Mars and asteroids) and prospects for exploration. Dr. Abbud-Madrid identifies resources available in space, the technology to extract them, and the customers that the demand constitutes. One resource is water: there is the potential to find water at the moon’s poles and it could be a source of oxygen and rocket fuel.
16 July 2020 / Research Preparation for Publication in Specialized Magazines
Dr. Paul Santi offered a presentation on procedures and good practices in scientific research, in order to publish articles in indexed journals. The talk was well received by a large audience of UNSA faculty and students.
29 May 2020 / Reuse of Mining Tailings to Produce Construction Materials through Geopolymerization
Dr. Ahamadreza (Reza) Hedayat gave a talk on the reuse of mining tailings to produce construction materials. Our Center has taken samples of tailings from small mining operations to characterize them and, through a physical and chemical process, transform them into high added value cement.
23 April 2020 / Coexistence and Conflict in a Rapid Growth Zone of Artisanal Mining
Doctors Aaron Malone (School of Mines) and Eliseo Zeballos Zeballos (UNSA) gave a talk about the coexistence and conflict between artisanal mining, fishing and agriculture in a town in the Río Ocoña Valley, Peru. They were able to conclude why artisanal mining and the proposed hydroelectric dam are eliciting different responses from citizens.
16 April 2020 / Geomechanical Evaluation of the Stability of a Small-Scale Underground Mine in the Arequipa Region
Engineer Carlos Contreras gave a talk on the evaluation of the stability of the underground workings in a gold mine in the north of the Arequipa region in Peru. Contreras discussed aspects related to the characterization of rock massifs and the use of numerical methods applied in the evaluation of the stability of mining works.
9 April 2020 / Redefining the IX Nazca-Ocoña Zone Metallogenetic Strip
Dr. Jorge Crespo gave a talk on the Study of the Economic Geology of the area between Nazca-Ocoña. Dr. Crespo is passionate about researching the economic geology of hydrothermal mineral deposits, studying the geochemistry and mineralogy of these deposits.
7 April 2020 / Membrane Technology: An Essential Piece to Achieve Sustainable Mining
Dr. Johan Vanneste gave a presentation on: 1) The evaluation of reverse osmosis to remove boron from surface waters affected by mining. 2) The destruction and recovery of cyanide and ammonia with hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet in combination with membrane distillation in gold cyanidation plants.
2 April 2020 / Space Resources
Dr. Angel Abbud-Madrid gave a presentation on the resources found outside our planet (on the moon, Mars and asteroids) and prospects for exploration. Dr. Abbud-Madrid identifies resources available in space, the technology to extract them, and the customers that the demand constitutes. One resource is water: there is the potential to find water at the moon’s poles and it could be a source of oxygen and rocket fuel.
11 December 2019 / Dr. Jeffrey Shragge, Dr. Richard Krahenbuhl, Dana Sirota, Gavin Wilsom / Low-cost geophysical instruments for groundwater management in West Africa
12 November 2019 / Christopher Bellona / Reuse of drinking water to increase municipal water resources
12 November 2019 / Nicole Smith / Challenges to face the use of mercury in small and artisanal gold mining in Peru
12 November 2019 / Josh Sharp / A new type of wetlands built for water treatment
12 November 2019 / David Vuono / Decentralized wastewater treatment for beneficial purposes
22 October 2019 / Aaron Malone / Migration, Remittances and Local Development
27 September 2019 / Richard Krahenbuhl / Geophysics Laboratory at Colorado School of Mines
11 September 2019 / John McCray / Urban Water Management in Arid Areas
11 September 2019 / Paul Santi / Landslide Risk Management in Latin America: An Example from Guatemala City
11 September 2019 / Pablo García / Water Conservation Methods in Arid Areas
Module 3 (October 22nd, 2019): Workshop on Migration, Remmittances and Local Depelopment
PhD Aaron Malone gave a talk titled “Migración Remesas y Desarrollo Local” in the Facultad de Ciencias Historico Sociales. Drawing on research in Mexico, he presented examples of how community development can be catalyzed by social changes like migration, as well as analyzing how local contexts can reshape the outcomes of public policies and cause unintended consequences
Module 2 (September 27th, 2019): Workshop on the Construction of the Geophysics Laboratory at Colorado School of Mines
PhD Richard Krahenbuhl, from the Geophysics Department at Colorado School of Mines, presented to UNSA students and faculty the experience on the design and development of the Underground Geophysical Education laboratory at Colorado School of Mines. The session took place at the auditorium of the Geology, Geophysics and Mines Departemet at UNSA.
Module 1 (September 11th, 2019): Workshop on managing landslides, water conservation and urban water management
Over 200 students at UNSA attending a session where the Colorado School Mines brought three well known professors in their fields to present on water and landslides. The event took place at an auditorium of UNSA’s Geology, Geophysics and Mining Department. The presentations were:
- Pablo Garcia – Methods of Water Conservation in Arid Areas
- Paul Santi – Managing Landslide Risks in Latin America: An Example from Guatemala City
- John McCray – Urban Water Management in Arid Areas
May 29 – June 2 of 2023 Workshop at Colorado School of Mines
Training and Advanced Techniques for Impactful Sustainable Mining Research
Mines hosted 13 Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA) faculty members from May 29 – June 2 for our collaboration workshop. The faculty members stayed in Maple Hall, ate at Mines Market and explored Golden, many for the first time.
Mines also hosted 3 UNSA students from May 29 – June 16 for the inaugural 3-week laboratory research experience. The students stayed in Maple Hall, ate at Mines Market and explored Golden along with UNSA faculty, for one week when they were here. This was their first visit to Mines and they are interested in pursuing graduate school here.
The majority of the UNSA researchers came to Colorado after careful preparation of a potential research topic or area to forge their long-term research career with a long-term research strategy – 1) topic 2) research questions 3) objectives 4) read related papers and 5) assemble a portfolio of papers or works published by you that link you to the topic. Dedicated time was used during the workshops to advance their research agendas.
Individual workshop topics included: Increasing Research Synergies and Impact, Research Questions & Hypotheses, Apply Questions to Guide Research, Research Visibility, Publications – Strategies, Venues, Tips and Tricks, Advising Students, Being a Graduate Student at Mines and Research for the Long Haul – Building a Multi-Year Research Program
Between workshops and specialized technical research team meetings, the visitors also toured a Hydrology Laboratory, a Laboratory Scale Wetland, a Water Treatment Lab and Edgar Experimental Mine.
On Tuesday, May 30th, Paulo Tabares presented about sustainable energy use to the UNSAs before dinner at the Mines Museum of Earth Science. The UNSAs, led by Vice Rector of Research Dr. Henry Polanco and Directors Drs. Paul Santi and Francisco Alejo were joined by Dr. Walter Copan, Vice President of Research and Technology Transfer at Mines, Dr. Mike Kaufman, Director of Materials and Energy Initiatives, Office of Research and Technology Transfer and Cónsul General Luis Solari from the Peruvian Consulate in Denver. Dr. John Bradford, Vice President of Global Initiatives joined the group for a dinner off campus the following evening.
June 27 – July 1 of 2022 Workshop at Colorado School of Mines
Faculty from the Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa (UNSA) participated in the “Laboratory and Field Tools for Research in Sustainable Mining” workshop at Colorado School of Mines (Mines) in the United States.
The Center for Mining Sustainability,, is the result of a research agreement between UNSA and Mines. Mines researchers and UNSA researchers collaborate on research projects, academic publications and capacity building to strengthen UNSA’s foundation as an international research program.
From June 26th to July 1st, 11 UNSA faculty members traveled to Golden, Colorado and participated in meetings on campus as well as a Central Colorado Mining and Water field trip.
The meetings were organized by research teams and each Principal Investigator from Mines planned a unique itinerary tailored to the needs of their participating UNSA team member(s). Research teams met in laboratories and research centers throughout Mines, where they collaborated and created shared vision for their research.
Specialized technical meetings focused on research topics such as:
- Cyanide Ions in Effluent from Gold Mining and an invention demonstration
- Geophysical Imaging for Geology, Water, Cemented Subsoils, and Landslide Risk
- Reuse of Arequipa Mine Tailings and Construction Materials
- Conflict Resolution Over Natural Resources
- Evaluation of Geoenvironmental Risks in the Arequipa region
- Regional Watershed Sustainability for the 5 Arequipa Watersheds
Co-director Dr. Paul Santi, Center for Mining Sustainability, invited Dr. John Bradford, Vice President of Global Initiatives, to meet the UNSA faculty at the conclusion of their meetings.
UNSA faculty visitors then traveled on a Central Colorado Mining and Water field trip to the Climax Mine, the Mining Museum and Matchless Mine in Leadville, Salida and Great Sand Dunes National Park.
The Center for Mining Sustainability is seeking to establish a Summer Laboratory Experience for 3-5 UNSA students who would come to Mines for three weeks during January or February.

January 2020 Workshop at Colorado School of Mines
Mines received a delegation of 17 professors and authorities from UNSA Arequipa for a week. There were 20 hours of joint input and several intensive sessions on the development of each Phase I project and on the preparation of Papers. Topics such as research management, international trends, personal branding, and student contribution were also discussed. And visits were made to laboratories, and in these, training in equipment management. In addition to the participation of faculty from the Center for Mining Sustainability, there was participation of the President of Mines, the Vice President of Research, and the Peruvian Consul in Denver.
Please stay tuned for upcoming Workshops!

Paul Santi
Professor, Colorado School of Mines
Co-Director – Center for Mining Sustainability

Francisco Domingo Alejo Zapata
Faculty, Chemistry Department
Co-Director – Center for Mining Sustainability